Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all ...

And to All

A Good (& Safe) Night ..


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It was supposed to be a simple fence ...

It was supposed to be a simple fence ... easy ... just for a dog run. But, Larry asks the never ending question of "Why Us??"

On the very last fence post of the "easy" job, they struck ... the pool water lines.

The return, to be exact.

Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?

Total distruction of the sidewalk, a patch job and an overnight glue fix.

It's Getting Better All the Time.

The fence guys finish up and leave the fixers behind to complete the job and repair the sidewalk.

TA DA!! The fence that will make my life easier and more fun.

And the Girls LOVE it!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pool View

For those of you stuck in the colder climates, I thought you would "appreciate" seeing the view of our pool.
It is a little chilly here for swimming ... about 70 or so ~ but we could always crank up the heater.

I must say that it is difficult to get any sewing done with this view!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Grace Pinnacle Frame

My Sweetie spent the better part of yesterday setting up my king size Grace Pinnacle Quilting Frame.

This sucker is huge!!

Now I have to hook up the Stitch Regulator and practice, practice, practice!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tablescape Series

Kathi's creations ~ Tablescape Series ~ Our kitchen is so bright and cheery now!! For more of Katherine's work, go to

Crown Molding

Friday, the crown molding went up in the library. It looks great. Now we wait on the ladder, which is "in production". Hmmm

The library is coming together!!

It's a Squirrel Thing ... You Wouldn't Understand

For Lori's Mom, Ruth Hoffman 3/1/23 - 11/21/08

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Library Update

The day before Thanksgiving we were hurriedly stuffing books into the mostly completed shelves.

We do have a couple of books between us!!

These are all the empty book boxes!!

It is beginning to come together. The crown molding will (hopefully) go up next week and then all we will have to do is wait for the ladder.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


We all had a wonderful day. It's so great to be w/family!
Ma, Dad & me


Brandy & Jay

Logan & Dad

Jay & Dad

That was a really funny joke!

It's a counting game!! It was truly a great time!! We have so much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

A beautiful Thanksgiving sunrise for you all!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day One of Library Shelving

Day one of library shelving.
All bookcases were built off site and brought in thru the ground floor to either the living room or to the balcony. That was the only way into the library since the hall doorway was too narrow and short for the shelving units.

All these boxes are books waiting for their new home.

Here is the first wall. Electric and ductwork also had to be moved.

Tomorrow they will be back!! Maybe the books will be unpacked by Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


My goodness!! It is starting to happen!!

Two rooms with no boxes!! It is a miracle!! (Especially this bathroom!!)

And tomorrow, the library shelving arrives ... Could this be the beginning of the end of the box nightmare??!!??

Friday, November 21, 2008

Early Morning Mist

At 7 a.m. this was the view from my back door.

It isn't hard to take the dogs for a walk when you have something this great to enjoy!