Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Closing up the house

We have been doing the last minute things necessary to close the house. We decided to delay our trip a couple days to (hopefully) let the weather that we would be driving thru get past. And since we had some extra time, we decided to go and look at a couple of houses that Larry found on the internet. One of them is wonderful, but who knows?? Today Larry was sick, so we won't leave until Thursday. I dread the drive. And the packing after we arrive!! Oh dear!! I had better start taking my multi-vitamins. :-)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm Back!!

After the horrible crash of my old laptop with nothing that could be saved, here I am again with my new laptop and programs. I am ready to try this again!! We are packing up and getting ready to leave W.W. and make the long journey back with the three dogs. Larry is busy fixing up the outside of the house and I am working on the inside. I dread the trip and all the work ahead. But it must be done. Here are pics of the curtains and the wall hanging that I did for Josh & Eden's new home. I will post a couple now and more later, as I am waiting for her pictures. These are the few we had. The top left are the 2 story curtains. The top right are the stacked curtains (yes, curtain hanging on the top window!) with Josh & Larry working hard to complete. The last one is the wall hanging. I really like the way this turned out. Can you see the little buttons in the middle of the circles??