Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Weekend

Well, hey Everyone!! It is Super Bowl Weekend. It is a down-right shame that the Bears didn't make it ~ But I guess that happens only once in twenty years. :-) But this looks to be a good game. Miss Britt's boyfriend, Aristotle Topaz (better known as Stottle) is all geared up
and ready to play should he be called upon to be a back up quarterback. Enjoy the game!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Breakfront = Fewer Boxes

Here is the little gem that will reduce the number of unpacked boxes in my home. The answer to my prayers. The perfect spot for the family dishes. :-) Happy Happy Joy Joy

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Listellos are here!!

Whoooo hoooo!! I feel like jumping up & down for joy!! The listellos are here & soon Jay will come and install them. When that happens, the tile will be officially complete!! I am ecstatic!! No more cardboard by the front door!! No more tripping on "spacer" tiles!!

Aren't they wonderful?? We have been waiting for these since last July. They are just the ticket for a home on the water!

On a different note: Here is a picture of the incredibly large full moon a fewevenings ago.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Here is my latest WIP (work in progress). This flamingo was a class project taught by Sharon Malec. I took this class about a year and a half ago but did not finish it. Now all that it needs is an eye and to be quilted. I'll hang it in the new bathroom. What should I name him/her?

Maria & Gary

Maria & Gary came for a week. We all had a relaxing time ... so relaxing in fact, that I must have forgotten that I own a camera!! The only proof that I have they were here are the Boxing Day pictures. They stayed until New Year's Day when they had to return to the frozen wasteland of IL. We are missing them.

New Year's Eve was great!! Our neighborhood had a Progressive Party. It started at our next door neighbor's house with hors d'oeuvres, progressed to our house for Italian beef and sangria, then to the other side of our neighborhood for Bananas Foster and the last stop was champagne and fireworks. Roughly half of the neighborhood participated as well as quite a few guests. We had Maria & Gary, Ma & Dad & Becca. Ma just LOVED the sangria!! :-) It was a great way to get to know our neighbors as well as them getting to know us. Everyone loved the house redecoration. That made us feel great!!

Last week we went to Tiki-land. It is a fabulous place that has everything; water, TV, Music, a comfy bar, fridge, great people ... & the best part is that it is right next door. Jim & Sherry had us over along w/Bob & Sue. We had hors d'oeuvres in Tiki-land. Their hospitality continued indoors w/a great dinner. Jim & Larry watched football. :-) It was a really good evening.

Boxing Day

Due to everyones hectic schedules, we decided to do our Christmas get together on Boxing Day. This turned out to be a great hit. So much less stressful ... Except on the kids!! They wanted the presents NOW. :-) Here are Logan and Nadia trying to be patient.

Chow time. Dad, Maria & Gary fill their plates. We were so happy to have them with us!

Josh & Eden waiting their turn at the food.

Jason is actually smiling! I think he is thinking of turkey!

Brandy is enjoying the day.

Chow time for Brandy, Josh & Larry.

Doesn't Eden look happy? This is before shse found out that she & Maria were washing dishes!!

Logan "striking a pose"

The presents were great and everyone had a wonderful time.