Saturday, August 30, 2008

Polka Dots and Cooler Air

Today was the day for polka dots!! This is my sewing studio today. Yesterday it looked like a cheer room for the Reaper Nation (that would be Plano, IL's purple & white school colors); but today it looks like it has the measles!!

Also, today the A/C unit went up on the new platform seconds before a huge storm rolled in. It's up there, but not hooked up.

Here also is a ground level view of the patio and pool about 15 minutes before the storm rolled in.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Not only have I been remiss about the front of the house, I have also been remiss about the rear ... So sorry!! Here are a couple of shots of the back.

This is a side view.

And the pool.

What a Sunshine Day!!

Hard at it!!

What a difference a little bit of grout makes! Here is the living room before grout.

Here is the same tile with grout.

J and John hard at it.

Construction dust ... and the hardwood floors haven't even begun to go in yet.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Here (at last!!) is the beginning of the rebirth of Larry's Lizard Lounge!! Everyone attending will be cooled (or heated) via the wonderful exposed duct work.

It also has been brought to my attention that there aren't any front views of our new home. Sorry to be remiss.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Construction Update

This is the update on the house as of last Friday. The master bedroom is complete. The grout is in.

The sewing studio and half bath has been drywalled and taped.

The guest bedroom floor and the hallway are more than 75% down.

The front door will have a surprise.

I am sure that I will have more pictures to post tomorrow, as quite a bit was completed on Saturday when I wasn't there. I'll keep you posted!!

Ma's Pillows

Ma wanted two pillows for her guest bedroom twin beds. I know that she loves hydrangeas, as they are the Cape Cod favorite. When I found this material, I knew that this would work in her room.

These are the pillows in progress.

Two close ups. I am really pleased with the piecing.

Here is the back.

Here is a good picture of one of them.

I hope that she enjoys having them as much as I did making them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Time in Cabo

As most of you know, part of our family went to Cabo San Lucas with us last June. Here are some of the highlights:

First day ~ Deann, Robin and Allysa

A group picture of all of us (minus Larry, who was behind the camera) at Cabo Wabo. Front row = Allysa; Middle row = Robin, Maddy, Deann, Me, Paul; Back row = "Little" Roger & Roger

Siblings ~ Sorry that they are sideways ... It just refused to rotate. Hmmm I am not a good blogger yet ... Great pic anyway, even if you do have to look at it lopsided. :-)

Tequilla Tasting 101

Taste Test Time

And our favorite!! Rattlesnake Tequila ~ Yep, that is really a dead rattlesnake. Yum!!

Welcome to the Hotel California ... Such a lovely time ...

And the Mission with its working bell.

All in all, a lovely time was had ... by all.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Working Hard

On Saturday everyone was working as hard as they could!! Here is my studio with the insulation up.

This is Dan "the Man" and his son Jason hanging the purple drywall. This is a moisture and mold resistant kind. Great color!!

Here is John preparing the tile for grout.

The living room floor has been started. Nick (Jason's friend & main guitar buddy) came in to help out. He also does tile for a living. It is so much faster with two people laying the tile at the same time.

When I left late Saturday afternoon, Jason & Nick were moving right along. They continued into the evening, but this is how it looked when I left. I am really excited.

I haven't been there since Saturday afternoon. Today Larry went down & he & Jason & John prepared the house for the hurricane. I stayed here & shopped for supplies. I am hoping that it will be gentle. :-D

On my next post, I will post some photos from our family vacation in Cabo San Lucas last June. TTFN

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Favorite wildlife at the new homefront

Here are a few of our new friends here in Harborpointe: Dophins and a couple of bird's eye views.

New Homefront Cont'd

Continuing on with our updates: Here is the guest room green and below is the pale terra cotta on the master bedroom walls.

Here's Pat!! All of our family has a hand in our projects!! Here's Pat working for Jason.

Too bad that I was so tired when we arrived from IL and unloaded the UHaul. I should have taken pictures. EVERYONE was hard at it; Joshua, Jason, Patrick as well as Eden, Brandy and Brandy's brother and his girlfriend!! (If you look hard, you will also see John (Brandy's brother) working hard on the tile. Speaking of tile: Here is the "Tile Staging Area".

And here is the new room that is very close to my heart ~ my sewing studio. Larry will be glad to get me out of the living room!!

A room with a view ... I wonder how much sewing I will complete with a view like this??!!??