Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Homefront Cont'd

Continuing on with our updates: Here is the guest room green and below is the pale terra cotta on the master bedroom walls.

Here's Pat!! All of our family has a hand in our projects!! Here's Pat working for Jason.

Too bad that I was so tired when we arrived from IL and unloaded the UHaul. I should have taken pictures. EVERYONE was hard at it; Joshua, Jason, Patrick as well as Eden, Brandy and Brandy's brother and his girlfriend!! (If you look hard, you will also see John (Brandy's brother) working hard on the tile. Speaking of tile: Here is the "Tile Staging Area".

And here is the new room that is very close to my heart ~ my sewing studio. Larry will be glad to get me out of the living room!!

A room with a view ... I wonder how much sewing I will complete with a view like this??!!??

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