Monday, January 12, 2009

Boxing Day

Due to everyones hectic schedules, we decided to do our Christmas get together on Boxing Day. This turned out to be a great hit. So much less stressful ... Except on the kids!! They wanted the presents NOW. :-) Here are Logan and Nadia trying to be patient.

Chow time. Dad, Maria & Gary fill their plates. We were so happy to have them with us!

Josh & Eden waiting their turn at the food.

Jason is actually smiling! I think he is thinking of turkey!

Brandy is enjoying the day.

Chow time for Brandy, Josh & Larry.

Doesn't Eden look happy? This is before shse found out that she & Maria were washing dishes!!

Logan "striking a pose"

The presents were great and everyone had a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Eden said...

I'll do the dishes any time when I don't do the cooking and the food is wonderful! Maybe I burnt off a few of the calories :)