Friday, April 3, 2009

Ricky Tims Super Seminar

Last weekend was the Ricky Tims Super Seminar with Libby Lehman and Alex Anderson.

This seminar was held in Ocala, FL which is only a two hour drive from where I live. I was SO EXCITED to be able to attend this advent!! As my friend Sandi says: BOUNCE BOUNCE!! Here is Alex Anderson signing autographs.

It started on a Thursday afternoon and went through Saturday evening. It was an absolutely phenomenal learning adventure with a free concert thrown in. No sewing ... Only lectures from three of the top Quilters in the business right now. I learned so much, so quickly, that my brain is oozing!

Here is Libby Lehman with me

I had a favorite quilt (or more than one!!) from each teacher, but hands down, my top favorite was by Libby Lehman called "Circle the Date"

Here is Alex Anderson with me

Ricky and Libby graciously signing autographs and posing for photos. The lines were long for all three.

This was the view on a break. Every seat was filled and extra seats had to be added.

Alex's husband, "Captain" John, hard at work promoting The Quilt Show; an online Quilting Community and Show (of which he is a producer and the Captain at the Helm!)

Justin, John, Libby and Alex

Question and Answer time; John, Justin & Alex (3 of the 4 producers of ARJJ Productions) Ricky's picture was had to get, since he is in perpetual motion and they are all blurry!

My bouncing friend from The Quilt Show, Sandi, talking with Ricky and Libby.

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